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Latest news and information from the Parish Council

Changes at New Buckenham Parish Council

At the May Parish Council meeting Karen Hobley stepped down as Chair after a record breaking 25 years in the role. Over this time she has led the Council diligently and sensitively, listening to and balancing opinion from both Councillors and the public. Thanks were expressed to Karen for her long (and continuing) dedication to public service and a presentation was made of an engraved silver platter, flowers, and champagne. 25 years is an amazing milestone to reach, and probably never to be beaten. Karen has led the Council through many issues, some controversial, and always of benefit to the village. Some that spring to mind are the sale of the Town Houses and subsequent creation of the Project Fund – which has benefitted many organisations in the village – the Neighbourhood Plan project, and the play area refurbishment. But of particular importance has been the transition in the operation and administration of the Council to a modern and accountable organisation fit for the 21st century. Thanks again Karen for all your work. I have now taken over as Chair (albeit not for a 25 year term!) and Paul Martin is elected as Vice-Chair. The Council are keen to create a Community Woodland and are open to suggestions and offers of suitable land that might be available in close proximity to the village. Please do contact me if you have land that you would be prepared to sell or lease to the village for what we see as becoming a valuable village asset and community space. A reminder that all are welcome to Parish Council meetings with the opportunity to raise and discuss any issues. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday in the month, 7:30pm at the Village Hall – the next is on 11th June. Minutes of previous meetings and agenda for the next meeting can be found on the Parish Council website (

Andrew Bingham Parish Council Chair


New Buckenham has a defibrillator.

NBPC led by Karen Hobley is pleased to have supported villager requests for the installation of a defibrillator. Funded mainly by a grant from County Broadband, it is located on the side wall of The Kings Head. A big thank you to Simon for supporting the project.

The defibrillator is registered on the national defibrillator network and connected to East of England Ambulance Service 

Several village volunteer's will regularly check to ensure that the defibrillator battery is working, the pads are in date and it’s displaying a “ready” sign.

In an emergency, immediately call 999. The call handlers will provide the code and talk you through the process until the ambulance arrives. The defibrillator itself will also talk you through the process of using it.

Please contact Karen Hobley if you have any questions or require further information




Free Compost Workshops
Would you like to start composting but don’t know how?
Norfolk County Council are offering free workshops for beginners to show how easy it is to start composting at home.
The 2-hour workshops will be held around Norfolk between June and September 2023.

To book one of the workshops visit:

Everyone who attends a workshop will be given a voucher which will allow them to buy a 220 litre black compost bin for only £9 delivered to a Norfolk address.
If you have any questions about the workshops:
phone 0344 800 8020.


The Cemetery

New Buckenham Cemetery currently has a very limited number of plots available, a situation which is being faced by a number of other councils.

As a Parish Council, we wish to ensure that current and past residents of New Buckenham are able to choose New Buckenham as their final resting place. For this reason, your Parish Council is preparing to apply to the Norwich Diocese to reuse plots in the graveyard which were used more than 85 years ago and which currently have no evidence of “tending” taking place and no evidence of headstones or grave markings. These plots are immediately on the right as you enter the Cemetery from Moat Lane.

The Clerk has the names and burial dates of all graves that are to be proposed for reuse.

Should you wish to express your views or require any further information, please contact your Parish Clerk by email at / 01953887830

Uncontested Election

The following councillors have been appointed to New Buckenham Parish Council:

Andrew Bingham

Don Crossman

Karen Hobley

Mary Dowson

Mary Manning

Steve Highton.

There remains one vacant post.




March 2023

Notice of Election

Nomination Pack

Support Pack

February 2023

Parish Council Elections will take place in May.

If you would like to find out more about how to become a Parish Councillor,  please feel free to contact one of the councillors or attend a Parish Council meeting to find out more about what the role involves.

Karen Hobley - Chair 01953 860529 /


November 2022

Parish Council Launches Redesigned Website

The Parish Council has refreshed its website as part of the transition to the new clerk, Angela Thornton. We welcome any comments or ideas you may have for how you'd like to see the website develop in the future. 

New Buckenham News

New Buckenham Parish News is distributed free to around 200 homes in New Buckenham every month.

Every issue contains a roundup of forthcoming and recently passed events in and around the village, important notices, the minutes of the Parish Council meetings, personal messages and a variety of other general interest pieces.

If you would like to contribute to Parish News, please email your submission to


If you would like to advertise in New Buckenham Parish News, please contact Mary Dowson on 01953 860320 or

New Buckenham Aerial View
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